Members of the Spirit Of Carlton, amongst them Premiership coach David Parkin, recently gathered in the George Harris function Centre at Ikon Park, on the invitation of Carlton CEO Steven Trigg.
Trigg sought to brief members of the Spirit with strategic plans for the club’s short, medium and long-term future and took many and varied questions from those who have so strongly supported Carlton for a long time and in a myriad of ways.
Amongst those in attendance were; Rod Austin, Mario Bortolotto, Peter Brown, Vin Catoggio, Ian Collins, Lauraine Diggins, David Glascott, Kevin Hall, Milham Hanna, Col Kinnear, Ken Kleiman, Alex Marcou, Denis Munari, David Rhys-Jones, Ken Sheldon, Geoff Southby and Sergio Silvagni.
Also there was Carlton President Mark LoGiudice, Director Zac Fried and Head of Football Andrew McKay.