Wednesday is normally a later start, with training beginning around 11 o'clock to attempt to get some exposure to sun and heat. Unfortunately, Visy Park provided a cold overcast day with the benefit of heat being minimal. The leadership group again enforced the importance of direction and communication to the playing group, with Michael Jamison and Bryce Gibbs being the major drivers.

This week’s training sessions are all about repetition. By repeating the drills it not only allows the players to master them, but also allows the coaching staff to fix areas that need improving. Training again began with short clean hands drills, gradually moving into kicking from 20 meters to 50 meters. Team defence was again a key driver throughout the session, with game-style ball movement patterns taking up most of the session. 

A solid weights session followed training on the oval, along with functional touch work and conditioning. The group again put in a solid effort, as Thursday is the main day off.